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SEO Tutorials

Internal Links for SEO: Detailed Tutorial

As a part of SEO, we all know how important links are, and how they can help in transforming your website. But do you know that ‘internal links for SEO’ are more important than you think. Well, most SEO experts are more invested in getting backlinks. And often neglect, and do not pay much attention to internal linking. Well, it is one of the most common mistakes that can hurt your SEO efforts. And negatively affect your website’s ranking.

Impact of Image Alt Attribute in SEO How to Check

What is Image Alt Attribute and How To Check It?

The alt tag attribute helps describe the images within the HTML document. The alt attribute also known as alt description contains the text which is highly significant for image SEO, while also enhancing accessibility. Indeed, alt attributes are an important ranking factor.
Images are an essential part of a website as they make your website look attractive and appealing, and can also boost engagement.

SEO Benefits of Keyword in URL

SEO Benefits of Keyword in URL: How to Check It?

Search Engines pays extra attention to keywords in the URL structure. And certainly, it is a ranking factor, not a major one though. The major thing is to optimize the website URL by adding a target keyword to it. Optimizing the URLs with keywords is a good SEO practice, and also helps the users understand the content they are likely to see on the web page and click on the link.